Covid-19 is responsible for the deaths of millions of people around the world, but researchers fear ...
It’s not easy to lose track of Lake Erie. It’s harder still to lose track of two and a half L...
UN talks fail to produce a global plastics treaty in South Korea as waste levels become unmanageable...
Fast-growing Melbourne payments company PromisePay is ramping its growth plans in the global platfor...
A summit many hoped would yield a landmark treaty to tackle a global plastic pollution crisis ended ...
Mustafa Yalçıner / EVRENSEL – Türkiye’nin görünüşte bir dış politikası ve dışişleri bakanı var. Koca...
Amerikan haber sitesi "Business Insider" Dünya'da görülmesi gereken 100 turizm yerini listeledi. Tür...
Suriye’de Esad rejiminin devrilmesiyle birlikte Türkiye’deki Suriyelilerin ülkelerine geri dönmeye b...
The environmental harm caused by this shapeshifting, underregulated industry must be tackledLocal pu...
A summit many hoped would yield a landmark treaty to tackle a global plastic pollution crisis ended ...
ChatGPT'yi tahtından eden Çinli yapay zeka uygulaması DeepSeek'e ilk yasak geldi. İtalya'da Kişisel ...
Global Affairs Editor John Lyons says the South Korean President's actions were "completely unnecess...