
‘Straight in harm’s way’: can Trump open up Alaska’s 19m-acre refuge for drilling?

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‘Straight in harm’s way’: can Trump open up Alaska’s 19m-acre refuge for drilling?

Native leaders ready for a fight as Trump calls ANWR, one of the last truly wild places on Earth, the US’s ‘biggest oil farm’

The Arctic national wildlife refuge (ANWR) is one of the earth’s last intact ecosystems. Vast and little-known, this 19m-acre expanse along Alaska’s north slope is home to some of the region’s last remaining polar bears, as well as musk oxen, wolves and wolverines. Millions of birds from around the world migrate to or through the region each year, and it serves as the calving grounds for the porcupine caribou.

Donald Trump has called the refuge the US’s “biggest oil farm”.

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